
Sunday, April 25, 2010

Gwen says "hi!"

She really did tell me to tell you all "hello" from her!

What a wonderful and f-u-n-n-y lecture Gwen gave, with no microphone, I might add! And her quilts? They're gorgeous of course, and quite stunning since they are all made of solid fabrics!

Gwen impressed me the way no other quilt artist has up until know. She lives on an island 33 miles off the coast of Michigan. An island that's so small she cannot even buy underwear there (she informed us). She works in her studio with no distractions - no TV and no music, just listening to the sounds of nature - and says she's very productive that way. She doesn't have email, but does have a computer and a website. I found her to be refreshingly "real." And, she's funny. I don't think the smile ever left my face the entire time she was speaking.

Her quilts emerge, one from the next, because she likes what she's just done, but wants to change it up a bit with the next one. She was hilarious when describing her work using large squares that gradually evolved into small squares. It wasn't any earth-shattering philosophy, rather it was "I like squares, but I'm sick of large squares so let's try small squares." This simple attitude has allowed her to create some stunning quilts. 

I cannot imagine Gwen and Freddy in the same room at the same time. It would be too hilarious! Oh, by the way...I "purchased" Gwen's autograph and this great book came with it! If you don't own a copy already, you might want to get's very inspirational!


  1. Oh, thank you for sharing these pictures and stories of your time with Gwen -- makes me feel as though I were there with you. Isn't it amazing how the simple square can be transformed into something spectacular in the hands of an artist?!


  2. Really enjoyed your post, loved the quilts...

  3. Oh, I'm so glad you were able to get into a class. Yeah!! Sounds like you had a great time and thanks for sharing.

  4. oh how great. i can not wait until she comes to my guild next year. wow wow wow. thanks for the post!

  5. How colorful and how fun Terri!! Thank you for sharing and I'm happy you got a book with that autograph - especially THAT book!!

  6. Her quilts are wonderful!

  7. I loved seeing these quilts, they are so dynamic. I can't wait to see what you did in class, it must have been a real buzz. I have that book, it's wonderful.

  8. Wow her quilts are really vibrant!! I do believe you had a wonderful time....I could just see your smile as you were typing :0)


  9. I'm very happy with where I live, but if it comes to quilting, I'd like to move to your country!!
    I already envied you all because of the huge quiltshops and now because of the great quilters you can actually meet.
    But fortunately YOU met Gwen and told us about it. It's secondhand, but that's better than nothing *lol*

  10. I, too, have been inspired by Gwen's work (and Freddy's). Have not been able to attend any of their presentations (yet) but doing so is on my bucket list of wishes.

    Have added your blog to my reader list ...

  11. You lucky, lucky thing. Not only seeing these beautiful quilts in real life but the gorgeous artist herself!


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