
Monday, March 15, 2010

I love to take leisurely Sunday afternoon drives. We did it when I was a kid and it was always an adventure. Yesterday, we were up in the hills between Ojai and Santa Paula.

It was unbelievably green, thanks to all the rain we've had recently.

These are all SOOC so the color is r-e-a-l!

The only downside to all this gorgeous, natural beauty is that soon enough it will turn brown and die. Then, fire season will start.

But, the color we saw yesterday just reminds me of my most recently finished pair of socks. Cotty pattern in BMFA STR lightweight Froggin colorway.


  1. It's hard to imagine such beautiful vistas brown and dried up. I love the view through the wagon wheel!

  2. I LOVE that first photo!

  3. great drive.....but awesome socks! LOL I need to check out that pattern!


  4. Love that drive, haven't done it in a while, thanks for the pix! Too soon, so true, it will all be brown. Sox look great too :)

  5. The pictures from your drive are just beautiful, I'm starved for any pictures that show green fields.

    Very pretty socks too :0)


  6. You have a lot of good things going on over here!!! I especially LOVED...LOVED...LOVED the Kaffe video...thank you soooo much for sharing it....I may come back and view it again!!!

  7. Gorgeous Scenery and the socks are wonderful.. Thanks for sharing.


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