
Friday, February 19, 2010

I'm not too proud to beg...

Remember when Chris said she had thrown her gorgeous applique block in the trash? I heard the collective -gasp- throughout blogland. "No, this cannot be...she didn't, she wouldn't," I thought. But she did. So after I caught my breath, I decided to plunge right ahead and ask her if she would dig it out of the trash and send it to me. I would pay her, I said. Well, she emailed me back and told me I could have it and she mailed it to me right away! How wonderful is that! I love's better in person than in the photo and Chris' work is exquisite! I'm going to put it to good use and will show you the project once I start it.

I also just discovered (because I'm soooo behind on my blog reading) that Kim at Live Well, Love much, Laugh and Quilt Often gave me this award! I'm one of Kim's "followers" and enjoy reading her blog about her adventures - quilting and otherwise. She loves art quilts and makes beaded jewelry, two of my passions also! Thanks Kim!

To accept this award, here are the rules:

1. Thank the person who gave you the award. Thank you, Kim!
2. Paste the award on your blog (see above)
3. Link to the person who nominated you.
4. Tell 7 interesting things about yourself (see below)
5. Nominate 7 or 8 blogs (see below)
6. Post links to those 7 blogs (see below)

Here are 7 things about me (that you might not want to know). lol

1. I played the accordion as a child (2nd through 4th grade). I taught our parakeet how to mimic crying sounds since that poor bird was in my practice room. I think I cried more than I practiced, but I was actually pretty good on the accordion. Too bad I quit, but I got tired of polkas. Now there are many interesting types of music played on the accordion, including jazz!

2. I used to ride a motorcyle in the 70's. A blue Yamaha YZ 175cc Monoshock. Yamaha pioneered the very first single-shock, production motocross bikes in 1975 and I had one. I loved it and spent many, many, many hours riding a motocross track out in California City. I still miss it.

3. In 1980 I went to Africa on a 21-day photo safari. We visited Tanzania, Ethiopia, & Kenya after making stops in New York, Brussels & Frankfurt (and an unexplained, unscheduled, 1-hour stop on the runway at Khartoum, Sudan). I took 17 rolls of slides and they run the gamut from our very first wild animal, an ostrich probably 300 yards away - really just a black speck - to an orangutan just a foot away! We also took a 2-hour hot air balloon ride over the Serengeti with a champagne breakfast on the plains after we landed. It was a life-changing event for me.

4. I was born in Las Vegas and have lived in Seattle, Denver, and Southern California.

5. I love to tap dance!

6. I learned to sew when I was in 5th grade and never stopped. I made clothing until 1989, when I switched to quilting. Quilting is much easier and there's no possibility of sewing a sleeve on inside out or backward. I was good at sewing complicated clothing, but I always managed to do something wrong that had to be ripped out. That's why I love seam rippers so much!

7. I love, love, love, love, LOVE fabric!

I would like to share this award with these lovely bloggers.

1. Marguerite - Adventures in Quilting and Sailing
2. Judy - Judy in the Dyes
3. Judy - Color My World
4. Susan - Wild Onion
5. Rayna - Studio 78 Notes...
6. Diane - Going to Pieces
7. Christiane - Blickfang Quilts and Knits
8. Julie - Floribunda Quilts


  1. Terri, thanks for the shout-out! I'll post the "stuff" on my blog later on, after I've had a chance to think about what I want to reveal about myself... also thanks for links to some other interesting blogs I hadn't visited before.

  2. Thank goodness you saved that block from being forever buried in a landfill. It's beautiful. And congratulations on your award!

  3. We are truly our own worst enemies! I love the applique and look forward to seeing what you do with it.

  4. I'm so glad you saved the block from the trash. I can't wait to see what you do with it! I know it will be beautiful!

  5. I'm so glad someone saved that block and can't wait to see what you do with it. Yeah!! It was fun reading about your adventures and getting to know you better. I meant to give you a shout-out, but things have been hectic the past few weeks.

  6. It will be fun to see what you end up doing with that block.

    I loved reading all the things about you, what a wonderful trip you had!! I'm so jealous!!


  7. Wow! Can't believe that was going to be thrown out! It's gorgeous. I'm sure you will come up with something wonderful with it.

  8. Thanks so much for nominating me for the award Terri! I am honoured you thought of me!

    I'm trying to get to grips with the technical bit (I can never get those buttons to work...) and once I manage will proudly display it on my blog!


Thanks so much for your comment. I really love hearing from you and appreciate that you visit my blog. If you do not receive a response from me, please do not feel ignored. As an online quilt shop owner, I am sometimes very short on time!