
Friday, February 26, 2010

I have class...

My class on Thursday is always a lot of fun. We have such a varied experience level within the group, it makes for an interesting learning experience for us all. We start out our morning by sharing with each other the project(s) we've been working on since our last meeting and there are always many beautiful quilts or projects to see. I can't tell you just how many things have been added to my to-do list. You know I'll never get to all of them. lol

Our least experienced quilter, just a beginner really, is making this Paintbox quilt. She chose the perfect fabric - yes, it's just one fabric! I love the colors and the variations within the fabric. It's still in the "block" stage on the design wall, but she's moving things around to make it perfect! I think she's doing a wonderful job and just wish my first quilt had looked this good!

Another quilt that I particularly liked was this Hawaiian quilt. It was a kit, purchased on vacation while in Kauai and it's really lovely. I would love to wrestle this one away from it's owner and hang it in my house! She did a lovely job with it...the applique is wonderful and the "sashiko" stitching is perfect and just sets off the rest of the quilt. I love it!

Well, our weather forecast is for rain tonight and tomorrow, heavy to very heavy at times. I'll be keeping my fingers crossed that the hills don't come sliding down on the homes affected by the burned areas of our state, but I love the rain and we need it so badly! We are still far better off than those without power and/or transportation in the east.

Have a wonderful weekend!


  1. Isn't it fun to see people learning to quilt as well as learning from those who are experienced? I think I agree with you, I would wrestle the owner of that Hawaiian quilt too!

  2. Both are stunning quilts. Can't believe that first quilt is from one fabric. Her design work certainly isn't that of a quilter without much experience. The result is lovely.

  3. Lovely quilts, your group is really very talented, even the newbie :0)


  4. What fun to belong to a group of talented women who inspire each other -- trust me, I'm sure that your pieces are proving inspirational to the other people in the class. Have fun!


  5. Beautiful quilts, thanks for sharing. We're getting the rain too, I've been watching the news about the hills and I hope it doesn't keep washing away. Such devastation.


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