Friday, September 03, 2010

3 winners and some R&R...

Here are the three LUCKY winners in the Star Struck Quilts blog tour!

#1 - winner of the STAR STRUCK QUILT BOOK is Mama Spark

#2 - winner of the Pen-style Chaco liner, Flower head pins, & Best Press spray is Donna (comment #9)

#3 - winner of the $25 gift certificate to my shop is Floribunda...aka Julie

Congratulations all! I've already sent emails to all of the winners so if you haven't heard from me check your email inbox!

On a different note....I'm going to be taking a short blogging break. I've injured my right shoulder and am pretty much unable to work on the computer without a great deal of pain. I hope to be back around the 16th or so! I'm going to rest and relax!

Take care,


Jenny said...

congratulations to your winners!

hope you are feeling better soon!

Jocelyn said...

So sorry to hear about your injury. I have been down since I had a fall almost two weeks ago. I hope you will be feeling better very soon.

Sally said...

Bummer about your shoulder. Hope it heals quickly. Will miss your blogging.

Kar said...

Hope you feel better soon! Kick your feet up and just relax. :)

Judy said...

Sorry to read about your shoulder. Hope you are back to your normal self soon (I was going to say 'old self' but decided that didn't sound too good! LOL)
lovely picture with the blue and yellow!


Crispy said...

You take care of yourself Terri!! Do everything the dr tells you and NO lifting heavy bolts Missy :0)

Congrats to the winners too!!


Patty said...

Hope you get to feeling better soon.

Shelina said...

Oh my! I hope you feel better soon. Congrats to the winners.

Sarah Vanderburgh said...

Congrats to the winners. Thanks for introducing me to such a great quilter.
Take care, Terri. We will be here when you get back! Enjoy the R&R!!

Marilyn said...

Sorry to hear about your injury, hope it's
better quickly. Take care and rest, rest,

Miriam said...

Take care Terri. I hope your shoulder heals swiftly.

Jackie's Stitches said...

I hope you heal quickly and completely!

Janet said...

Congratulations to winners and get better soon.

Donna~~ said...

I am excited to hear I am one of the winners--BUT SO sorry to hear about your shoulder--OUCH!--I hope your computer rest helps it. (I had frozen shoulder a few years ago and boy did it hurt.) Hope your injury heals as well as mine has!

Kim D. said...

Congrats to the winners!! Oh Terri I'm so sorry you injured your right shoulder. I hope you're doing better soon. I stumbled and fell the other night and have bruises all over my left side to show for it. Fortunately I didn't break anything. Take care!

Rafael's Mum said...

Hope your shoulder gets better soon. Only when you do that sort of thing, you realize in how many ways you use it!

AnnieO said...

Sorry about your shoulder! How frustrating. Take care and don't rush it...we'll be here :)

Congrats to the lucky winners.

Cathy @ CabbageQuilts said...

Ah Terri, so sorry to hear about your sore shoulder, I know all about that...I'm currently teaching myself to use the mouse in my left hand, its slow but the shoulder is happier. I wish you a speedy recovery with yours. Hey did you get a reply from me to your email regarding my purchase the other day? For some reason it kept telling me that it failed. I tried 3 times, I hope something got back to you!!!