Wednesday, July 28, 2010

I'm still working on her...

This is where I was last time I showed you Ms. Witchy. But look where I am now. At this point, she's all fused and I'm ready to start working on the borders.

I showed her to my LOTE quilting group and several of them loved her and are going to make her also. I think she just might be a big hit! If you like her enough to make her, here's where I got the pattern.

Monday, July 26, 2010

Great Ideas...

Isn't this a great headboard using fabric scraps? Can you imagine it with Kaffe, Philip Jacobs, or Amy Butler scraps. How about Jane Sassman or Heather Bailey scraps. WOW!! Directions can be found here at the BHG website.

Here's another great idea using fabric scraps! Directions here for this one.

I like this idea too. These are great ways to use fabric to revamp/update your home.

These are just a few ideas in addition to the old standbys...pillows, curtains, placemats, napkins, tablecloths, etc. The possibilities are endless.

photos courtesy of BHG

Friday, July 23, 2010


I'll be at the International Quilt Festival in Long Beach. We go every year on Friday - it's become a tradition now.

Long Beach is such a wonderful city - there's so much to see and do and the weather is divine. The Convention Center is right across the street from the water too, so it's very picturesque.

Hope you have a wonderful weekend!

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Do you have any?

I'm looking for this fabric for a friend. We've tried everywhere but cannot locate it. It's probably two or more seasons old so the only recourse at this point is to ask for your help.

This fabric is called "Jungle Baby" by Marcella Rose for Henry Glass Co. #276-24. She needs at least 1 yard, but would love a little more if you have it. Please email me if you have any available that you are willing to part with. Thank you!

I was thrilled with the great comments left yesterday in regard to our very supportive husbands. I'm thrilled to hear that there are some really wonderful guys out there

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

I'm not in the habit...

of airing my dirty laundry with you, but my DH made a comment the other day while looking in my laundry basket.

He said, "do you realize how many hours of work are in that basket?" He's right, there are many, many hours worth of work (pleasure) involved in knitting all of those socks. It's interesting to me that he got it. He's always been my most fervent admirer, especially of all things "hand made." Yep, I'll be the first to admit it, he's an enabler in the very best sense of the word. He's always encouraged me to get the best tools, the nicest fabrics, etc. In fact, he's honed his skills so well that now he has a very good sense of color and he can  invariably pick out fabrics that I love. I'm pretty lucky, aren't I?

Are your husbands the same? Are they involved in your passion with you or do they sit on the sidelines? Do they encourage you? Do they get it?

Monday, July 19, 2010

Knitting again...

I started a new pair of socks on Saturday. I haven't been knitting for awhile because one of the fingers on my right hand has been hurting too much to allow it. It seems it has finally settled down enough so that I may knit again. At least it's ok so far.

 David Sock, BMFA STR lightweight Foo Foo colorway

I'm glad because I love to knit and it's nice to have something to keep my hands busy while watching my husband sleep in front of the TV. lol

ETA: to fix grammar and spelling error

Friday, July 16, 2010

Ms Witchy progress...

I'm making good progress on Ms. Witchy. Since this quilt is for my niece and nephew, who are still young kids, I've chosen to use fabrics that are a bit more "cute" than I'll use when I make this quilt for myself.

 I'm liking the way it's looking so far and it's a lot of fun. Other than a few mishaps with the Steam-a-Seam II along the way, it's working out well and the pattern is well written.

Happy Weekend everyone! Hope it's cool enough to be able to get outside and have some F-U-N!

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

My Grandmother's afghan...

This beautiful crocheted afghan was made by my paternal grandmother who was also a very prolific quilter. She used to talk about hosting "quilting bees" at her house, where they put up a frame and each month quilted group members quilts. She made many, many quilts in her lifetime, but I don't remember seeing many afghans that she made, and I'm not sure if she knit or not.

This afghan is really quite lovely, considering that she made it. She probably had the worst color sense in the world and so many of her quilts were interesting rather than pretty. I like this afghan though and if you ignore the pompoms, it's really quite contemporary given that it was probably made in the 50's.

I had it out taking photos of it for posterity and thought you might enjoy seeing it!

Monday, July 12, 2010

As promised...

Here are a couple of photos of my latest finished quilt! Yippee...a finish!! I love how this quilt turned out.

It's bright and cheerful and yet a bit on the pastel side - at least it seems that way to me. Not normally a color palette I use. It's based quite loosely on Kaffe's "Ice Cream" Quilt although I didn't vary strip widths as he did. Each strip is 2 1/2" wide.

The quilting pattern is called "Interlocking Daisies" and it's perfect for this simple quilt. It's not too heavily quilted as to be stiff as a board - it's flexible and soft and cuddly.

 I used Kaffe's Spot in Lavendar for the binding and I just love the polka dots as the finishing touch!

I made this quilt because it was an easy one to take to class to work on and it's turned out to be one of my favorites!

Thursday, July 08, 2010

I'm actually embarrassed to admit it...

but I've started two new quilt projects. Can you believe it? I feel like I'll never get some of the quilts I've started done, but I know I will just take some time. But - really - this is ridiculous!! lol

Since this one is a Halloween gift, it will need to be completed by the middle of September so I have time to ship it to it's destination and they can enjoy it for the month of October.  I'm still in the process of finding fabrics, but have enough to get started.

This one will get attention when I have extra time or get bored with the Witch. Yes, it's another one of my own designs. One I've been wanting to do for a very long time and didn't know how to get started. This was my inspiration for taking Grace's class on Photo-inspired Art Quilt design. So, I'm excited to get started on it. I have most of the fabrics I'll need for it, so it's just a matter of finding time!

I'll keep you posted on my progress on these and all of the other quilts I've started.

Friday, July 02, 2010

Binding time...

Not only am I in the process of taking photos for and listing 35 new fabrics in the shop (Kaffe and Jill Gordon), but I received one of my quilts back from the quilter so now I get to do a binding. I love doing binding. It's a time to sit quietly and reflect while I'm in the midst of finishing another quilt. What a nice feeling.

I haven't shown this quilt before so when it's totally finished, I'll take a pic of the entire quilt so you can see it!

It's hard to believe that it's July already, but it is and that means we get to celebrate the 4th! I hope you all have a wonderful weekend with family and fireworks!